Women Call for Pension Reinstatement and Care Solutions

Women Call for Pension Reinstatement and Care Solutions

Many women have voiced their support for the reinstatement of pension programs and government assistance in lowering the cost of long-term care in retirement, given that they face a greater financial challenge. 80% of women have agreed that the U.S. is facing a...
Boomer or Bust: Charting a Path Toward Retirement Security

Boomer or Bust: Charting a Path Toward Retirement Security

A recent study commissioned by the ALI Retirement Income Institute has revealed a stark reality: A substantial portion of America’s Baby Boomer population is ill-prepared for retirement. The study, co-authored by former U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic...
Participant Corner: Navigating Savings: Your HSA Guide

Participant Corner: Navigating Savings: Your HSA Guide

Health savings accounts (HSAs) have surged in popularity over the years. You may have encountered them, possibly as part of the benefits offered by your workplace. This memo attempts to answer frequently asked questions about HSAs. What is an HSA? An HSA is a type of...
Millennials Redefining Retirement   

Millennials Redefining Retirement  

According to a recent survey by retirement finance company IRALogix Inc., Millennials are changing the way people think about retirement. According to over 50% of Millennials surveyed, obtaining “financial independence” is a more significant indicator of...
Turning the Tide on Employee Engagement   

Turning the Tide on Employee Engagement  

A recent Gallup survey found that engagement at work has cratered among U.S. employees. According to the research, only 33% of workers were engaged in 2023, representing nearly $2 trillion in lost productivity. The findings show lack of engagement among nearly every...