Beyond the Benchmark: Uncovering Additional Value in RFPs

Beyond the Benchmark: Uncovering Additional Value in RFPs

When conducting three- to five-year live-bids, it can be tempting to hyper-focus on fees. After all, benchmarking is often a primary reason for performing an RFP — and maintaining reasonable fees is a core fiduciary duty of plan sponsors. But a thorough review of...
Connection to Future Self Is Key to Retirement Readiness

Connection to Future Self Is Key to Retirement Readiness

The relationship we forge with our future selves can greatly impact financial decision making in the present. Research conducted by social psychologist Hal Hershfield using functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that subjects with a stronger connection to...
Participant Corner:  How Much is Enough?

Participant Corner: How Much is Enough?

There are many formulas for figuring out how much money you need to retire. While thinking seriously about retirement finances is useful, for most people, these formulas may not come close to what your retirement actually looks like. Taking Stock To truly get...
Closing the Auto-escalation Gap

Closing the Auto-escalation Gap

High participation rates don’t always translate to high deferral rates. According to the 2022 Callan Defined Contributions Trend Survey, three-quarters of DC plans offer auto-enrollment, while only two-thirds provide an auto-escalation feature. This discrepancy...